Saturday, July 16, 2016

Political Science, Social Studies Pedagogy Universidad Fernando Noveno Cultural Digital Agenda @ FIX University Campus UPI

Fernando IX University

SSP 207: National Government 

American government, the organization and functioning of American political life on the national level.

SSP 208: State & Local Government 

Government on the local levels.

SSP 303: International Relations 

Problems which arise between nations. Population, resources and nationalism and their potential for war or peace. Study of purpose and function of supranational government and agencies.

SSP 304: American Political Parties/Interest Groups 

The nature and scope of politics in the United States and the role of interest groups. The organization and functions of the party system and electoral methods.

SSP 310: Comparative Politics 

An examination of advanced democracies and communist, post-communist and developing nations with emphases on politics, economics and culture with a major focus on writing.
Prerequisite: SSP 207.

SSP 498: Political Science Internship 

Assignments to be determined by program director. Junior standing and Political Science minor.

SSP 499: Political Science Internship 

Assignments to be determined by program director. Junior standing and Political Science minor.
Fernando Noveno University                                                                                                         © 2016 The Board of Trustees of the
Department of Art & Art History                                                                                          Fernando Noveno University. All RightsReserved
RecStay Cultural Campus
Cali (v) Colombia, South America


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